Precision Ag Information

with some randomness sprinkled in for good measure

1. Safety First.

Every machine should have an operators manual. If yours doesn’t have one, your local dealership can help you get one. This operators manual contains all the safety information you need to confidently operate your cotton stripper. Please make sure you have reviewed all the pertinen...

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This is the third part in a 3 post series on configuring the harvest settings on John Deere's CS690 cotton stripper.

You can view the other posts in the series here:

Part 1: Configuring Harvest Doc

Part 2: Configuring Map Settings

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This is the second part in a 3 post series on configuring the harvest settings on John Deere's CS690 cotton stripper.

You can view the other posts in the series here:

Part 1: Configuring Harvest Doc

Part 3: Configuring a Harvest Homepage

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This is the first part of a 3 post series on configuring the harvest settings on John Deere's CS690 cotton stripper.

You can view the other posts in the series here:

Part 2: Configuring Map Settings

Part 3: Configuring a Harvest Homepage

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